Teaming for success

Custom In-House workshop

Gain actionable insights and tools to create and sustain a successful team.

about this workshop

How important is teamwork in accomplishing your organization’s strategy? Is your team united and working together effectively?

Creating and leading teams is one of the most critical skills for leaders and organizations. Aligned, committed, and results-oriented teams are often the best solution to achieve success, yet too many teams struggle to live up to their potential.

This workshop is designed to develop your capabilities to start, build, and sustain high performing teams. Using the innovative and results-oriented Team Performance Wheel, participants will learn how to launch a new team, develop essential team behaviors, and manage the ups and downs of a team’s journey.

Who Should Attend?

Team leaders seeking to strengthen their team building capabilities and team members who desire to improve current and future team performance.


Half-day session(s) for virtual delivery; 1-2 days for face-to-face delivery


4 PDC credits provided to SHRM certified professionals

Course Benefits


In-Depth Knowledge

Understand what an ideal team looks like and how to launch a new team, develop essential team behaviors, and manage the ups and downs of a team’s journey.


build awareness

Diagnose and leverage your own individual teaming skills using the in class Team Performance Wheel Assessment.


Hands-on Learning

Build a team working through each team phase and apply the team behaviors and dimensions in real time.


peer learning

Share and learn from best practices and peer experiences related to team leadership and development.


Personalized Success Plan

Create personalized team development strategies to enable higher levels of team performance.


Continuing Support

Personalize the application of the material with a follow-up 45 minute 1:1 coaching session with the workshop facilitator.

Teaming for Success course outline

This course will cover these topics in an interactive and highly engaging way. To ensure maximum collaboration, learning, and individualized attention, the class size is kept small and participants make progress on real-world challenges while in class. 


  • Understand what great teaming is and the phases required to achieve it: Launching, Aligning, Trusting, Achieving, and Renewing.
  • Learn strategies to quickly establish a team purpose, prioritize efforts, secure resources, establish working levels of trust, strengthen team morale, produce results, and adjust to ongoing changes.
  • Understand the challenges associated with working on multiple teams at once and learn teaming skills that translate to all teaming situations.
  • Diagnose and leverage individual teaming skills using the in class Team Performance Wheel Assessment.
  • Practice building a team through each team phase and apply team behaviors and dimensions in real time.

“Stewart Leadership presented material in a thoughtful way that allowed participants to see the point that was being raised before it was overtly stated.”

David Baran

ATA Aerospace