
Stewart Leadership offers expert facilitation programs designed to help teams work better together to solve problems, execute strategies, and increase productivity. We understand business needs, and we’ll work closely with the key leaders within your organization to ensure everyone has an equal voice when it comes to day-to-day operations as well as planning for the future.

Scenario-Based Strategic Planning

We help companies plan for the future by using a technique called scenario planning. As we facilitate the meeting, we’ll introduce various scenarios for your team to consider and discuss potential challenges or roadblocks. Our consultants will work with your team to create actionable plans for these possibilities so you’re prepared to pivot quickly if needed.

Partner with us to ensure the decisions you’re making now don’t hinder the long-term growth of your organization.

Team Development Programs

Team alignment plays a huge role when it comes to running a successful business. Without it, everyone’s working in silos, and a lack of communication and collaboration can lead to a breakdown in the organization’s overall structure.

Our consultants are highly skilled in assessing and aligning teams across all levels of an organization. We’ll work closely with the executive team to establish healthy communication from the top down, and we’ll help all teams understand their purpose and how it aligns with the company’s goals.

Succession & Workforce Planning

Work with us to identify critical roles and locate high-potential talent within your organization to create a succession and workforce plan that’ll help you plan for the future. Organizations prioritizing recruitment strategies, employee retention, and ongoing training opportunities will have an advantage over those who are not.

Determining talent potential and readiness isn’t easy, Here are what we consider four key indicators of talent potential:

  • Self Awareness
  • Translating Learning to Action
  • Drive to Succeed
  • Reading the Room

Partner with us to learn more about how past performance is not necessarily an indication of future returns.

Strategic Planning & Board Services

Our facilitators aim to improve trust by creating an environment that encourages open communication and healthy conflict. We offer facilitation support for strategic meetings and help companies improve their board’s effectiveness by coaching leaders on ways to find common ground.

Partner with us for your next meeting to ensure your strategic planning process is aligned with company goals. We’ll help you prepare, and we’ll be there to guide your team through the meeting. After the meeting, our consultants will work with your team to streamline the integration process for the newly established strategies.