
Stewart Leadership offers practical and proven assessments designed to give leaders tangible ways to develop and strengthen themselves, their teams, and their organizations. 

LEAD NOWA! 360 Assessment

LEAD NOW! Assessments


Based on our LEAD NOW! Leadership Development Model, Stewart Leadership’s LEAD NOW! Assessments offer a practical approach with concise results and personalized reporting feedback from a professional coach. 

The LEAD NOW! Self Assessment and the LEAD NOW! 360 Assessment offer insight into a participant’s leadership preferences and opportunities for growth. Results are offered at three levels of analysis: 4 Quadrants, 21 Dimensions, and 45 Behaviors. 


Teaming for success Assessments

Are your leaders struggling to work together?  Are you looking for a new and proven approach to strengthen teams in your organization?  Are your clients needing to measure their team’s effectiveness and tools to improve it?

Stewart Leadership’s Teaming for Success Assessment enables team leaders and team members to  quickly and accurately identify the strengths and opportunities of their team in order to drive performance. This assessment is an action-oriented, real-world-tested approach for providing teams with the information they need to perform at their highest level. 

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Culture and M&A integration  Assessments

Our Culture Assessment and Our M&A Integration Assessment help you understand the current state of your company’s culture in order to uncover gaps and identify ways to improve. Our culture assessments are ideal for companies looking for detailed insights into specific departments or organizations undergoing a merger or acquisition. 

The Culture Assessment will provide your leaders with detailed insight into the inner workings of individual departments within the organization while the M&A Integration Assessment evaluates the culture of both organizations and identifies areas of similarity and difference that may help or hinder the process.