Stewart Leadership Up-Close

Our invitation-only, small group workshops bring together like-minded Human Capital leaders, and offer an opportunity to take a closer look at Stewart Leadership’s most popular topics and offerings.

Want an Invitation?

Set up a time to talk with one of our Executive Consultants.

What is Stewart Leadership Up-Close?

Get Up-Close with Stewart Leadership’s most popular topics and offerings through our invitation-only 90-minute workshops. Each complimentary session is limited to 15 human capital professionals in order to facilitate discussion and open exchange of ideas.

Conducted over Zoom, each Stewart Leadership Up-Close workshop will provide you with an opportunity to ask detailed questions while networking and connecting with other similarly-minded Human Resources professionals.





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Upcoming Workshops

Org Design for a Changing World

Dig into our framework and tools for aligning talent, strategy, and structure in pursuit of superior performance and results.

Technology Change & Learning Solutions

Take a deep dive into our change methodology and learning solutions through our simplified approaches to helping teams learn, use, and sustain new technology initiatives.

The Power of Employee Experience During the Great Resignation

Roll up your sleeves and explore how a superlative Employee Experience can drive engagement, retention, and business results.

About Stewart Leadership

Previous Up-Close Workshops

Let us know if you are interested in revisiting any of these topics in a future workshop.

Getting Teams to High-Performance

Take a closer look at Stewart Leadership’s Teaming for Success framework, assessment, and tools for creating high-performance teams.

Developing Executive Presence

Take a deeper dive into the Stewart Leadership Executive Presence framework for developing critical skills all leaders need to have to create a greater impact in their organizations and careers.

Managerial Development

Examine two live case studies that employ Stewart Leadership’s proven combination of assessments, training, coaching, and on-the-job action planning to provide middle managers with the foundation for personalized leadership development.

Interested in learning more?

Set up a time to talk with one of our Executive Consultants.