Caterina Mustone
Executive Consultant & Coach

Caterina Mustone

With 20+ years of multifaceted professional experience, Caterina stands out for her deep knowledge in Behavioral Psychology and Systems Theory. She assists leaders and businesses by focusing on people and the systems they are part of with her highly customized approach.

Born and raised in Switzerland in an Italian family, and doing business in English and German, Caterina has a unique gift for assessing organizational culture as well as intercultural dynamics. She quickly goes beneath the surface, tapping into the underlying rhythms, routines, and incentives that drive an organization.

Recognizing that culture isn’t just about stated values, but about the daily behaviors and systemic interactions, her method paints a comprehensive picture of the real organizational heartbeat. This deep dive isn’t just diagnostic—it’s transformative. By identifying mismatches between intention and action and between structure and incentives, she assists leaders in aligning their company’s ethos with its everyday operations. Caterina gives leaders the tools to develop a harmonized workplace where employees resonate with the company’s mission, leading to enhanced collaboration, heightened morale, and sustained business growth.

Caterina recognizes the significance of organizational incentives and tailored interventions, and aligns personal ambitions with organizational objectives, so that leaders can thrive intheir roles and guide their teams towards collective success. With her guidance, you’re not just getting advice –you’re getting a plan for real and sustainable change. Her clients uncover their potential, recalibrate their leadership compass, and realize their vision with newfound clarity and confidence.

Before founding her own consulting startup, Caterina held leadership roles in public administration, education, social services, marketing, and advertising. She has training in business, communication, and education. She has worked in England, Germany, Italy, and Switzerland for clients ranging from lawyers to social workers to pharmaceutical researchers to the performing arts. Beyond her professional horizon, Caterina cherishes her connections to cultural activities, meditation practices, and to her family.