Why Now is the Time to Develop Your Frontline Leaders

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  2. Why Now is the Time to Develop Your Frontline Leaders

Imagine you had a product or service in development that you knew, once launched, would catapult your organization to unprecedented success. You would likely pour every spare resource into developing that product or service, even if it meant postponing other initiatives or putting off improvements to another product.

What if you already have such a force just waiting to be unleashed right now?

In times of economic uncertainty, it’s easy to put off development initiatives, especially for roles or functions that may not be as visible to senior management. Frontline managers likely don’t work in the corporate office; they’re in branches and stores, warehouses and factories in distant locations, managing day-to-day activities, facing customers and employees, and generally powering your business.

But your frontline managers could be the key to remaining competitive and building a strong leadership bench. Here are four reasons you should invest in your frontline managers now:

4 Reasons to Develop Your Frontline Managers

1. They are closer to your customers than any other managers.

Frontline managers deal with customers every day. Either they hear about customer comments from employees, or they speak with customers directly when an issue gets escalated for resolution. If customers have concerns, needs, or compliments, frontline leaders are best positioned to relay those to corporate leadership.

 2. They hear from the rank-and-file employee every day.

Corporate policies often sound great in meetings but can inadvertently cause real challenges or obstacles for employees. The frontline managers who talk with employees regularly are positioned to relay concerns and help create a workplace that accommodates the most significant number of people.

3. They have real-world experience.

Of course, many people at all levels of the organization can have real-world experience. However, your frontline managers have often worked in frontline positions for many years. Many may not have advanced education; instead, they are high performers who worked their way into their roles. This type of experience is invaluable in bringing additional perspectives and ideas to your organization.

4. They are in a unique position to drive innovation.

Your products and services can benefit from the frontline positions in your organization. Not only can these positions test new products and services, but they can also offer ideas and improvements for future innovation.

Your frontline managers are very often an essential key to organizational success. Ensure you’re driving their development to create a solid bench for business success and future leadership roles.

For over forty years, the experts at Stewart Leadership have been helping leaders and their organizations maximize the potential of their leaders at every level. From organizational design to frontline manager development, Stewart Leadership can help. To learn more, contact us.

  1. Are we using our frontline managers to their full potential?
  2. What kind of skills do our frontline managers say they need?
  3. What is one way we can start developing more frontline managers today?

About the Author

Daniel Stewart is a sought-after talent management and leadership development consultant and coach with proven experience advising senior leaders, leading change, and designing leadership-rich organizations. He leads Stewart Leadership’s extensive consulting practice, business development, and international partnerships.